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What Are SEO Packages And 6 Reasons You Should
Diamonds Forever is a San Diego jewelry boutique that specializes in beautiful, custom jewelry, including engagement rings, necklaces, and earrings. They sell their jewelry both online and in their shop in San Diego. They offer a wide variety of services including custom jewelry, jewelry repair/restoration, loans, appraisals, and more. They also buy used jewelry and gemstones.

When diamondjewelry.com partnered together with Hexsus Inc. in September of 2020, they were on the backend of a website migration and experiencing decreases in conversions on the website. This was directly tied to decreases in overall traffic and organic keyword rankings.

Many Keywords that were historically responsible for driving organic traffic to the site were rapidly decreasing in rankings, leaving diamondjewelry.com scrambling to find the caus
When labmex.com partnered together with Hexsus Inc. in September of 2020, they were
on the backend of a website migration and experiencing decreases in conversions on the website.

The Challenges

When diamondjewelry.com partnered together with Hexsus Inc. in September of 2020, they were on the backend of a website migration and experiencing decreases in conversions on the website. This was directly tied to decreases in overall traffic and organic keyword rankings.

Many Keywords that were historically responsible for driving organic traffic to the site were rapidly decreasing in rankings, leaving diamondjewelry.com scrambling to find the caus

The Strategy

Our Holistic approach began with a comprehensive SEO website audit and keyword research. This included:
  • Analyzing the technical performance of the site
  • Auditing the site’s backlink profile
  • Conducting a Google penalty analysis
  • Executing a comprehensive keyword audit of the entire site
  • Performing comprehensive keyword research for all sites generating traffic.
Our Holistic approach began with a comprehensive SEO website audit and keyword research. This included:

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